All bid deadlines are 11:59pm Pacific Time the date of the bid deadline listed unless otherwise noted.

school Graham ISD
IFCB Posted : Oct 18, 2024
Bid Deadline : Thursday, Dec 5, 2024

Questions Due By : Thursday, Nov 7, 2024
Applicant Address : Graham, TX 76450
IFCB ID : 250002867

IFCB Requirements :

·         Before the listed deadlines, all Questions and Bids must be submitted using the on-line IFCB system. Bids submitted before the bid deadline outside of this system will be disqualified. If the system is down before the deadline, please email your bid to or fax it to 918.445.0049. Bids or questions submitted in this fashion will be disqualified if the on-line system is active at the time of submission. The applicant reserves the right to request and obtain bids outside of the website system if the bid deadline has passed and zero or one bid is received (the intent for this is to follow USAC guidance on obtaining cost-effective bids).

·        For all requested services and/or products listed on this IFCB: proposals that include generic/encyclopedic price lists will be considered non-responsive and will be disqualified. SPAM and/or robotic responses will not be considered valid bid responses and will be disqualified from consideration.


·         Bidder must agree to participate in USF Program (AKA “E-rate”) for the corresponding funding year.


·         Please include the correct Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) on your bid.


·         By submitting a bid, bidder certifies that the bidder does have a valid (non-red light status) SPIN for the E-rate program at the time of submission. Should the Applicant discover that the bidder is on red light status, or if the FCC classifies the bidder as on red-light status before work is performed and invoices are paid, the contract will be null and void and the applicant will have no payment obligations to the bidder.


·         Bidder is expected to provide the lowest corresponding price per E-rate rules.  See for details.


·         Contracts must not prohibit SPIN changes.


·         Bidder must agree to provide the Applicant the choice of discount methods (SPI or BEAR).


·         Bidder will be automatically disqualified if the District determines that the bidding company has offered any employee of the District any individual gift of more than $20 or gifts totaling more than $50 within a 12 month period. This does not apply to the recent FCC exemptions of the Gift Rule for the COVID pandemic.


·         All contracts awarded will be contingent upon E-rate funding and final board approval.  The applicant may choose to do all or part of the project upon funding notification.


·         All applicable fees, surcharges, and taxes must be identified on the bid. E-rate rules require the applicants to evaluate the price of eligible goods and services that will be listed on the 471 application during the competitive bidding process. Fees and surcharges that apply but are not listed on the bid will be the responsibility of the bidding company, should their bid be awarded.


·         If there is a request for Internal Connections (Category Two) equipment, or Category One equipment listed on this IFCB the applicant will accept bids for functionally equivalent equipment.


·         DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: The applicant will not accept bids from manufacturers of equipment deemed a national security threat by the Federal Communications Commission. The list of prohibited equipment is available here: Vendors that submit bids that include these manufacturers will have their bids disqualified.


·         DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Vendors must complete and include the C2 Cover Page with their bid. Bids received without the cover page will be disqualified.

·         DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Service providers are required to bid the entire hardware project.  Bids for individual components, or bids that do not include all of the requested items for the project will be disqualified.

·         DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: It will be the bidder’s responsibility to provide documentation about the compatibility requirements listed in this IFCB. Vendors that submit bids without documentation demonstrating the required compatibility listed in this IFCB will have their bids disqualified, unless that vendor has bid the preferred make/model number listed.

·         DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Applicant will not accept bids for refurbished equipment. Any bids containing refurbished equipment will be disqualified.

·         DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Service providers are required to bid the entire maintenance project.  Bids for individual components of the project, or bids that do not include all of the requested items for the project will be disqualified.

·         DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Vendors must complete and include the C2 Cover Page with their bid. Bids received without the cover page will be disqualified.

·         DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Maintenance bids listing only an hourly rate and not a monthly or annual total will be disqualified.  Vendors quoting an hourly rate are required to also a) confirm that you have the ability/expertise to maintain all of the equipment listed and b) propose a number of hours at a particular rate monthly to properly maintain the entire list of equipment.  Bids that contain only hourly rates, without confirmation that the company can service the list of equipment, or without a monthly total will be disqualified.

Services and Equipment Requested :

UPDATE 10/30/24: Maps are now available for download along with this IFCB.



Vendors wishing to bid on Category Two Projects can attend a voluntary site visit either 10/30/24 or 11/06/24.  Both will begin at 1:30PM.  Vendors will meet at 1317 Old Jacksboro Road, Graham, TX 76450, and check in with Christopher Rasile.



This will be a complete replacement of our wireless district wide.  Most of these will be existing locations where access points are already installed while others will be new locations and will need network drops added.  We will need an additional 62 network drops for new locations that do not currently have wireless or wireless access points that only have one network drop.  All wireless arrays will need to be installed and configured per district instructions.

Type of Equipment

Quantity Vendor Should Bid


Preferred Make/Manufacturer



Cable drops

Wireless Access Points


Juniper Mist with 5 year licensing and cloud management

NOTE: We are requesting WAP licenses on this IFCB, which sometimes may be categorized as BMIC or MIBS by USAC (the BMIC and MIBS boxes on the 470 have been checked to cover this scenario).


All Wireless Access Points must be compatible with existing Mist Wireless Access Points.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: The applicant will not accept bids from manufacturers of equipment deemed a national security threat by the Federal Communications Commission. The list of prohibited equipment is available here: Vendors that submit bids that include these manufacturers will have their bids disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Vendors must complete and include the C2 Cover Page with their bid. Bids received without the cover page will be disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Service providers are required to bid the entire hardware project.  Bids for individual components, or bids that do not include all of the requested items for the project will be disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: It will be the bidder’s responsibility to provide documentation about the compatibility requirements listed in this IFCB. Vendors that submit bids without documentation demonstrating the required compatibility listed in this IFCB will have their bids disqualified, unless that vendor has bid the preferred make/model number listed.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Applicant will not accept bids for refurbished equipment. Any bids containing refurbished equipment will be disqualified.


The district is requesting a manufacturer’s contract for hardware and software support and warranty for all wireless access points and cloud services associated with managing the wireless arrays and network.

Type of Equipment

Quantity Vendor Should Bid


Preferred Make/Manufacturer

Wireless Access Points


Juniper Mist


DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Service providers are required to bid the entire maintenance project.  Bids for individual components of the project, or bids that do not include all of the requested items for the project will be disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Vendors must complete and include the C2 Cover Page with their bid. Bids received without the cover page will be disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Maintenance bids listing only an hourly rate and not a monthly or annual total will be disqualified.  Vendors quoting an hourly rate are required to also a) confirm that you have the ability/expertise to maintain all of the equipment listed and b) propose a number of hours at a particular rate monthly to properly maintain the entire list of equipment.  Bids that contain only hourly rates, without confirmation that the company can service the list of equipment, or without a monthly total will be disqualified.

There is an additional document associated with this IFCB. Please click the buttons to download the document.


Questions Received with Applicant Answers   ( Ask Questions? )

What existing Mist APs do you currently have? Are you interested in Performance Monitoring (support, monitoring, management)? As a Juniper Mist Elite Partner, we can provide manufacturer support(support case/RMA Assistance).

We do not currently have any Mist AP's, but will be having a handful installed within the next few months. Performance Monitoring can be bid out, but as an add-on option with the ability to remove if needed/wanted.

Is IEEE 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) required? What are the primary use cases for these APs? What are the bandwidth and performance requirements? What models of Juniper APs that potentially meet the districts specifications? Thank you so much.


Is IEEE 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) required? Yes


What are the primary use cases for these APs? Classroom use, some larger and higher density areas such as gyms and auditoriums


What are the bandwidth and performance requirements? Enough bandwidth to supply wireless to a room with over 60 consecutively connected wireless devices and not show any degradation of service for any devices.  


What models of Juniper APs that potentially meet the districts specifications? AP45 minimum

Can we work nights and weekends? What is the timeframe from start to finish?


Nights and weekends are fine. Our Category Two budget is only about $37K, so we will most likely need to stage this project out over two years. The first year (7/1/25 through 6/30/26) we could do the first part, which may be just the cabling. The second year (7/1/26 – 6/30/27) we will have a new C2 budget and will be able to finish the project during that time period. So, working nights and weekends may not be necessary, but we will need a multi-year contract from the bid winner.

Chris, the 470 appears to be written for the whole project, I know you said you have limited funds left for this year's e-rate. Is there any campus that you would prefer to accomplish with this years budget than another, and I imagine this request will be posted again next year? From everything I am reading on your 470, it is for the entire quote 265 Aps and 62 network cable drops. Is there another document that I am missing?

I don't have a specific campus that is priority, but would focus on ensuring that all of the physical network drops are in first. After that, we could address some of the "dead" zones at the high school campus. We don’t plan on rebidding next year, we think we will probably award a multi-year contract. The first year (7/1/25 through 6/30/26) we could do the first part, which may be just the cabling. The second year (7/1/26 – 6/30/27) we will have a new C2 budget and will be able to finish the project during that time period. Please do bid the entire request.  

What are your current POE capabilities in each IDF/MDF closets? 802.3af? 802.3bt? If you can provide a sanitized network diagram, that would great.


All switches are PoE 802.3af.


Not really sure what a "sanitized" network diagram is, but I don't see that as necessary with this project. 

Below are the Q&As from the walkthrough.


  • What is the amount of concurrent users during an average day?
    • Around 2,500 to 2,800
  • What amount of devices use wireless in a typical classroom?
    • Typical classroom can have 50 or more devices concurrently connected to a single AP
  • Are there any protective cases over the wireless AP's in the gyms
    • Yes, there are wireless cages over these
  • Are there any areas where a more powerful AP might be needed
    • Maybe the gym at the high school
  • Will you need patch panels
    • No, any location where new network drops are needed will have ample room on the existing patch panel
  • What is the type of typical ceiling, a drop down ceiling?
    • Yes, all except the gyms, High School ag room, and High School library