All bid deadlines are 11:59pm Pacific Time the date of the bid deadline listed unless otherwise noted.

school Southern Boone Co Sch Dist R1
IFCB Posted : Nov 27, 2024
Bid Deadline : Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025

Questions Due By : Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024
Applicant Address : Ashland, MO 65010
IFCB ID : 250007257

IFCB Requirements :

·       Before the listed deadlines, all Questions and Bids must be submitted using the on-line IFCB system. Bids submitted before the bid deadline outside of this system will be disqualified. If the system is down before the deadline, please email your bid to or fax it to 918.445.0049. Bids or questions submitted in this fashion will be disqualified if the on-line system is active at the time of submission. The applicant reserves the right to request and obtain bids outside of the website system if the bid deadline has passed and zero or one bid is received (the intent for this is to follow USAC guidance on obtaining cost-effective bids).

·      For all requested services and/or products listed on this IFCB: proposals that include generic/encyclopedic price lists will be considered non-responsive and will be disqualified. SPAM and/or robotic responses will not be considered valid bid responses and will be disqualified from consideration.


·       Bidder must agree to participate in USF Program (AKA “E-rate”) for the corresponding funding year.


·       Please include the correct Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) on your bid.


·       By submitting a bid, bidder certifies that the bidder does have a valid (non-red light status) SPIN for the E-rate program at the time of submission. Should the Applicant discover that the bidder is on red light status, or if the FCC classifies the bidder as on red-light status before work is performed and invoices are paid, the contract will be null and void and the applicant will have no payment obligations to the bidder.


·       Bidder is expected to provide the lowest corresponding price per E-rate rules.  See for details.


·       Contracts must not prohibit SPIN changes.


·       Bidder must agree to provide the Applicant the choice of discount methods (SPI or BEAR).


·       Bidder will be automatically disqualified if the District determines that the bidding company has offered any employee of the District any individual gift of more than $20 or gifts totaling more than $50 within a 12 month period. This does not apply to the recent FCC exemptions of the Gift Rule for the COVID pandemic.


·       All contracts awarded will be contingent upon E-rate funding and final board approval.  The applicant may choose to do all or part of the project upon funding notification.


·       All applicable fees, surcharges, and taxes must be identified on the bid. E-rate rules require the applicants to evaluate the price of eligible goods and services that will be listed on the 471 application during the competitive bidding process. Fees and surcharges that apply but are not listed on the bid will be the responsibility of the bidding company, should their bid be awarded.


·       If there is a request for Internal Connections (Category Two) equipment, or Category One equipment listed on this IFCB the applicant will accept bids for functionally equivalent equipment.


·       DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: The applicant will not accept bids from manufacturers of equipment deemed a national security threat by the Federal Communications Commission. The list of prohibited equipment is available here: . Vendors that submit bids that includes these manufacturers will have their bid disqualified.


·       DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Vendors must complete and include the C2 Cover Page with their bid. Bids received without the cover page will be disqualified.

·       DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Service providers are required to bid the entire hardware project.  Bids for individual components, or bids that do not include all of the requested items for the project will be disqualified.


·       DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: It will be the bidder’s responsibility to provide documentation about the compatibility requirements listed in this IFCB. Vendors that submit bids without documentation demonstrating the required compatibility listed in this IFCB will have their bids disqualified, unless that vendor has bid the preferred make/model number listed.

·       DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Vendors who wish to bid must attend one of two mandatory site visits. Vendors who submit a bid but have not attended a meeting will be disqualified.

·       DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Applicant will not accept bids for refurbished equipment. Any bids containing refurbished equipment will be disqualified.

Services and Equipment Requested :


Category Two:


Vendors wishing to submit bids for category two projects must attend one of two mandatory site visits. The site visits will be held on December 9th, 2024 and December 16th, 2024. Both will begin at 10am. Vendors will meet at 809 S Henry Clary Blvd then move on to 803 S Henry Clay Blvd and 303 N Main and finish at 14520 S Crump Lane. All addresses are located in Ashland, MO.  Vendors will meet with Shyla Barnett. Bids from vendors who did not attend either of the site visits will be disqualified.



Some of the districts’ switches are approaching EOL and need to be upgraded. No installation, licensing or cabling drops needed.


Type of Equipment

Quantity Vendor Should Bid


Preferred Make/Manufacturer



Aruba 6100 for the High School



Aruba 6200F for the Middle School

Wireless Access Points


Aruba 615 IAP for the Middle School

Wireless Access Points


Aruba 614 615 IAP for the Elementary School


NOTE: We are requesting WAP and/or switch licenses on this IFCB, which sometimes may be categorized as BMIC or MIBS by



All WAPs must be compatible with existing Aruba Instant IAP615.


DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: The applicant will not accept bids from manufacturers of equipment deemed a national security threat by the Federal Communications Commission. The list of prohibited equipment is available here: . Vendors that submit bids that includes these manufacturers will have their bid disqualified.


DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Vendors must complete and include the C2 Cover Page with their bid. Bids received without the cover page will be disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Service providers are required to bid the entire hardware project.  Bids for individual components, or bids that do not include all of the requested items for the project will be disqualified.


DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: It will be the bidder’s responsibility to provide documentation about the compatibility requirements listed in this IFCB. Vendors that submit bids without documentation demonstrating the required compatibility listed in this IFCB will have their bids disqualified, unless that vendor has bid the preferred make/model number listed.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Vendors who wish to bid must attend one of two mandatory site visits. Vendors who submit a bid but have not attended a meeting will be disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Applicant will not accept bids for refurbished equipment. Any bids containing refurbished equipment will be disqualified.



There is an additional document associated with this IFCB. Please click the buttons to download the document.


Questions Received with Applicant Answers   ( Ask Questions? )

Hi Team, Aruba team has following questions. - For the Aruba 6100 and 6200F switches: PoE or non-PoE? If PoE, do you need PoE, PoE+, or Class 6 PoE? How many ports? - For the AP-615: The AP does not ship with mounts but is compatible with the below options. Which is needed? 1.AP-MNT-A: Suspended ceiling rail, flat 9/16[part no: R3J15A] 2.AP-MNT-B: Suspended ceiling rail, flat 15/16 thick [part no: R3J16A] 3.AP-MNT-C: Suspended ceiling rail, profile 9/16[part no: R3J17A] 4.AP-MNT-D: Solid surface [part no: R3J18A] 5.AP-MNT-E: Wall box [part no: R3J19A] 6.AP-MNT-U: Universal Mount Bracket Kit [part no: S4K79A] There is no AP-614 or any external antenna variant in the AP-610 series. So, let me know the replacement and update the details on the above ones.


The switches need to be PoE+, 48 ports.


The AP's will replace current AP's. All are ceiling mounted on existing mounting hardware. This is a simple switch out of old tech with new.

Hi Team, As per the aruba team, there is no AP-614 or any external antenna variant in the AP-610 series. can you check and update me on this?


I believe that should be Aruba 615

AP 614 was mentioned in your request, unfortunately that model doesn’t exist. Is there another model you would like to substitute it for?


I believe that should be Aruba 615

The 6100 and 6200F are series of switches we need to know what models in these series you are looking for. As for the 614 this doesn’t exist there isn’t a 614 model within the Aruba portfolio. Here is the 615 along with a mount as no mount is included. R7J50A 1 @Aruba I/AP-615 (US) Dual-Radio 2x2:2 WIFI 6e Internal Antennas (No Mounts Included) S4K79A 1 @AP-MNT-U (1-pack) Universal Style Mount


We prefer Aruba 48 port PoE switches. We will be installing 615 APs.

Would it be preferable for your requirement. Here is the 615 along with a mount as no mount is included. R7J50A 1 @Aruba I/AP-615 (US) Dual-Radio 2x2:2 WIFI 6e Internal Antennas (No Mounts Included) S4K79A 1 @AP-MNT-U (1-pack) Universal Style Mount


Not really sure what the question is he is asking.  We will be using the currently installed mounts for the newer AP's.